Friday 21 September 2012

Homework Task 21/9

For Homework please do a blog post containing the following:

Select ONE inventory item from a game with an interesting array of items.

It is important that this item is well designed and has a distinctive style. Items that look stylised and artistically drawn are best. If you are stuck on what to choose, look outside to games you would not normally play - or indeed use the games suggested in the assignment brief. On the course you need to look outside of the design of your favourite games.

In your post please screenshot or show an image of the inventory item and write a paragraph on it. (Please title the item and reference which game it is from first).

  • Please state which game the item is from and what the item does (its functionality).
  • Describe the way the item has been rendered or drawn. Is it 2D or 3D, does it look cell shaded, photographic, comic styled? Each game will have different styles and ways of rendered.
  • Evaluate the visual style of the object, does it look effective and fit into the game world?
  • How could you improve the visual look of the object?

Please structure your notes in a paragraph using the bullet points as starting points.

Completed and uploaded by next Wednesday, thank you.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Unit 5 Inventory Task

Record and evaluate 3 types of inventory from different games. Try to ensure the games are of different genres and inventory types if possible.

What type of inventory is it? (using styles from presentation)

How does the user interact with the inventory? (eg. controls)

What is controlled within it? (items or player attributes)

How is the interface accessed by the player from the game screen?

Does the inventory suit the gameplay?

What do you think of the inventory and why?

How may this influence your own design?

To be completed for Friday Please.